It does not matter if your load is controlled substance, electronics or cigarettes there is an alternate market for that product you can’t afford to lose a full truck load (FTL) of goods under any circumstances.”
This is an issue that keeps both the CEO and the CSO up at night, wondering if they or their logistics provider has employed the best-in-class supply chain security strategy.
The installation of a GPS tracking device does not in and of itself prevent the unit or its contents from being lost, stolen or hijacked, the device is only but one element of a well rounded supply chain security program.
Don’t think that because this hasn’t happened to you that it will not happen. If you don’t have an effective Supply Chain Security program in place it can and most likely it will at some point become a reality. Let us evaluate your current program or help you design and implement a cost effective program that will enable you identify as well as reduce the risk of losing your product or your customer’s product.